Alea iacta est pronunciation
Alea iacta est pronunciation

Having held the positions of quaestor in Spain (69 BC ), Caesar was elected curule aedile in 65 BC ,pontifex maximus in 63 BC, and praetor in 62 BC. After he was ransomed, he organised a naval force, captured the pirates and put them to death by crucifixion. He convinced his captors to raise his ransom, which increased his prestige in Rome. He travelled to Rhodes for philosophical studies, and on the way was kidnapped by pirates. He was back in 78 BC, when Sulla died, and began his political career as a prosecuting advocate. This family relationship, with political involvements, caused Caesar great trouble during the dictatorship of Sulla, who ordered him to divorce in 82 BC Caesar refused and prudently left Rome for military service in Asia and Cilicia.

alea iacta est pronunciation

Also, Caesar married Cornelia, daughter of Lucius Cornelius Cinna in 84 BC. His paternal aunt Julia married Marius, the leader of the Populares against the influence of the Optimates. At the height of his power in 45 BC Caesar began building a temple to Venus Genetrix at Rome, signifying his link to the goddess.Ĭaesar's family was not rich by the standards of the Roman nobility, and no member of his family had achieved any outstanding prominence in recent memory, though in his father's generation there was a renaissance of their fortunes. Julius Caesar was born in Rome to a well known and ancient patrician family (Gens Julia) which supposedly traced its ancestry to Julus, the son of the Trojan prince Aeneas, who according to myth was the son of Venus. Caesar's military achievements are known to us in detail from his own written accounts.

alea iacta est pronunciation

Many of these reforms were later implemented by Augustus Caesar. He later became Dictator for Life and began many reforms in Roman society and government, work that was cut short by his assassination. His establishment of a government under the First Triumvirate (see below) brought the Roman Republic to an end. His military conquest of Gaul extended the Roman Empire to the Atlantic Ocean, an achievement whose consequences are visible to this day.

alea iacta est pronunciation

Gaius Julius Caesar (July 13 ,100 BC -March 15 ,44 BC ) was a Roman military leader and dictator.

Alea iacta est pronunciation